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The homeless crisis in Colorado is a humanitarian crisis. 

Factors that contribute to this crisis includes a lack of affordable housing, loss of work, substance abuse, mental health, and relationship breakups. Republicans believe barriers to housing and stability should be removed. 


The homeless population in Colorado is now competing for already strained resources that have been redirected to illegal immigrants. The influx of illegal immigrants has coincided with a rise in homelessness. In 2023, homelessness increased alongside the implementation of Democratic open-border and sanctuary policies.


Republicans understand that levers to reduce and prevent homelessness includes:
     Reducing the amount of illegal immigrants would reduce housing demand, thus prices. 
     Eliminating The Office of New Americans would disincentivize illegal immigrants from coming to Colorado and reduce competition for entry-level and other jobs. 
     Reallocate funding for illegal immigrants to retrain Americans for emerging and high demand industries. 
     Reduce taxes and eliminate fees allowing people to keep the money they earned. 
     Support local non-profits like churches to extend services.
     Eliminate all sanctuary policies encouraging illegal immigrants from coming to and staying in Colorado, thereby increasing the demand for American labor. 
     Emphasize the prosecution of hard drug traffickers and suppliers. 
     Offer employers incentives to hire people experiencing homelessness. 
     Prohibit camping in all public spaces. 

Democrats, through poor legislation, have exacerbated the homeless crisis in Colorado. Republicans believe that fostering a strong economy focused on improving the lives of Americans is the key to reducing and preventing homelessness. When Americans are unable to join the labor force due to an oversaturated market caused by illegal immigration, they are denied the opportunity to reach their full potential. Illegal immigrants drive down wages, making it increasingly difficult and costly for employers to hire and retain American workers.

Strictly enforcing laws against hard drugs like fentanyl is essential in alleviating homelessness. The severity of substance abuse among homeless young adults is well-documented, with drug use being higher among homeless youth compared to their housed counterparts. Drug use can exacerbate or even induce mental health crises. Every barrier to hard drugs should be in place, from enforcement to prevention. Removing destructive drugs from the streets should be a priority, and Republicans understand this.

The Democrat policies have become harmful to the needs of working families, putting them at significant risk of homelessness. No tax, fee, or policy should ever contribute to the homeless crisis.
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